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作者:鑫 来源:学为贵教育
1、How often do you have a haircut?
虽然这个问题很生活化,但我们最好也不要直接回答once/twice a week,因为更natural speaking的表达是:from time to time时不时。回答完频率后,最好再进行适当的拓展。
参考表达:Well,I think it's from time to time since I have an undercut hair and I need a frequent trim.For example,I usually go to the barber shop which is just opposite to my campus and the owner is my acquaintance already,so we are in rapport with each other.
2、How long have you been keeping this hairstyle?
这个问题的答案虽然仁者见仁,但是考鸭们也要注意natural speaking,例如“it’s been a while”,根据答案再进行下一步延展。
参考表达:It's been a while actually,as I found it suits my facial feature the best.Like,during my freshman year I tried pixie once because of the British actress Emma Watson,and believe me that was a disaster,so I bet I'm still gonna have it until I find another inspiration.
3、Do you want to change the color of your hair?
这道题很明显会联系到头发颜色的话题词汇,并不是简单的black、blue、yellow就可以的哦,因为这些并不是用来描述头发颜色的,如果要描述头发颜色,我们可以说jet black hair。
参考表达:Not really I think,since I'm comfortable with my original jet black hair right now.As I don't think I'm sensitive to what's catching on right now,Plus,I'm a little bit hesitate on applying those chemical preparations.
4、When was the last time do you have a haircut/have your hairstyle changde?
这道题乍一看会和第二道题有些相似,但其实我们可以从当时为什么去剪、自己当时的剪发经历的角度来切入,如剪发是为了面试时更好的形象:A decent image for a deeper impression.
参考表达:Not a long time ago,cause I wanted to leave a decent image for a deeper impression in my job interview.That is to say,I placed the great emphasize on it that I showed the barber picture I saved from an influencer's social media account to make sure he fully understands what exactly I wanted,and lucky me,he made it eventually!
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